Friday, May 3, 2024

Announcing Macca May

Immediately after doing my Neil Young series a friend asked which legacy artist I was going to cover next. I realized that I actually did want to do another series, but I wasn't sure who. Initially I thought of Richard Thompson, but his music is far too dreary for this sunny time of year. For a minute I thought of a very ambitious project listening to every Beatles solo record, but I don't think I am quite ready for that. However, I soon realized Paul McCartney would be perfect.

When I first got into the Beatles at age 11 Paul was my favorite. When I became a teenager, it was John. Sometime in my late 20s it shifted to George. In a strange twist, I returned to Paul in my 40s. I had long poo-pooed him, so I am actually not that familiar with his solo work. I only listened to a couple of albums and all the hit singles. This series will give me an opportunity to finally dig deeper. 

The first installment will be coming soon.

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