Thursday, January 2, 2020

Get Ready For 2020

Are you ready for 2020?

This is going to be a crucial year. Impeachment and an election are coming, the two remaining mechanisms we have within the legal system to end Trump's neofascist reign.

But are you ready for when Mitch McConnell doesn't allow for an actual impeachment trial? Are you ready for disinformation and propaganda and lies that would make the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth blush get shared in a massive torrent on social media? Are you ready for voter suppression, gerrymandering, and the electoral college to once again rob the majority of power?  You better get ready because I am almost positive that these things are going to be happening this year.

What are you going to do about it?

I don't really have the answers. In many respects I feel like the die was cast in November of 2016, and we are just in the aftermath of the point that has already turned. Most people opposed to Donald Trump are in denial about this.

So what happens when our democracy is exposed (again) as a total sham? I am completely in earnest about this, and I honestly don't know what I should do. In the face of the massive onslaught the opposition is already tearing itself to pieces, just like back in 2016. People are fighting like blazes over their preferred nominees and not really paying much attention to get out the vote efforts. We are taking knives to a gun fight and are then just knifing each other over and over again instead of uniting against the common enemy.

I guess this myopia reflects our larger condition. Climate change has humanity at the precipice, and we are doing fuck-all about it. Maybe we all know deep down that there is no future, and we would rather pretend otherwise than face that unhappy fact. I have resolved to get out there and keep fighting, because I can do no other. I do so with zero confidence that it will matter.

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