Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The Press Won't Save You

Real life ain't the movies

I don't want to add anything more to the endless talk of the White House Correspondents Dinner, but it is a remarkably revealing event. It reveals for all to see who have until now been blind to the fact that the press is not going to save us.

After being lied to, disrespected, and deemed "enemies of the people" several reporters hopped to the aid of Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the administration's daily face of its contempt for the press. They showed far greater willingness to directly condemn Michelle Wolf than they ever did to defend themselves against a wannabe despot. This whole farce is completely disgusting.

We are reminded once again of how the Orange Dotard got elected in the first place. The media gave him hours of free advertising. They laughed at his antics, and refused to call his lies what they were. Like a lot of people in America today, the media has refused to take stock of the danger we are facing, and has refused to change their habits to match the danger we face. The last thing the media wants to do is to actually face up to the situation and call lies for what they are, that would force them to actually DO SOMETHING.

Yet despite all of the evidence that the media will not save us, so many liberals seem to think that the Meringue Menace will be defeated by our "institutions," or through the moral arc of the universe or some other such fantastical bullshit. These same people also think Robert Mueller is going to save them, out of their naive and false belief that the system actually works.

Guess what folks, it doesn't. This nightmare will not end until we ourselves take matters into our own hands and end it. Robert Mueller and the media are not our redeemers. We must be in the streets, we must be knocking on doors, we must be driving people to the polls. The shameful kow-towing of the media to the wannabe despot is a sign that we are out here on our own, and need to fight like our lives depend on it. Anything short of that will result in failure.

See you on the barricades.

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